1. Introduzione
Air Classifier Mill (ACM) is powder grinding equipment with high efficiency. It can efficiently produce fine powders and accurately control the fineness of particles. Air classifier mill is widely used in various industries.
2. Which industries benefit from using air classifier mill?
① Industria farmaceutica
Air classifier mill is essential for grinding active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and excipient, they are crucial for the production of tablet and capsule
Benefits: high-efficiency grinding capacity of air classifier mill can improve the bioavailability of drugs, and ensure the consistency of drug quality. At the same time, the entire grinding process is carried out in a closed system, this reduces the contamination of drugs during grinding and ensures the hygiene and purity of drugs.
② Coatings industry
The fluidity of coatings directly affects its performance. Air classifier mill can significantly improve the fluidity of powder coatings through a complete grinding and classifying process.
Benefits: air classifier mill plays a vital role in coating industry. It can improve the fineness and fluidity of powder coatings, to optimize their application performance.
③ Food processing industry
Air classifier mill is widely used in food processing industry, it is mainy for grinding and classifying of grain, fruit and vegetable, candy chocolate and tea.
Benefits: air classifier mill can quickly classify a large amount of food material, to improve production efficiency. Meanwhile, it can perform fine sorting according to different characteristics of the material, to meet different market demand for product quality.
④ Mineral industry
In mineral industry, air classifier mill can grind various minerals, including talc, limestone and gypsum ecc.
Benefits: air classifier mill can be used to screen mineral raw materials, remove impurities and improve the purity. It generates very little dust during operation, this is beneficial to environmental protection.
⑤ Cosmetics industry
In production of cosmetics, ACM can grind materials of iron oxide, titanium dioxide and mica powder. These powders are as fillers and pigments in lipstick, eye shadow and foundation.
Benefits: ACM can evenly disperse the powder, making particles evenly distributed and attractive in color. At the same time, no contamination of powder during production, this meets the safety requirement of cosmetics industry.
⑥ Animal feed industry
Air classifier mill can finely classify raw materials of animal feed.
Benefits: ACM can process animal feed with uniform particle sizes, this can improve digestion and absorption of feed for animals.
3. Conclusion
ACM can effectively realize integrated grinding and classifying, so it plays an important role in many powder processing industries. With continuous development of technology, air classifier mill will show great development potential in fields of powder deep processing.
Macchinari per polveri Epic di Qingdao Co., Ltd. è un produttore specializzata nella produzione di attrezzature per la lavorazione delle polveri.
I suoi prodotti includono:
– Mulino: mulino classificatore ad aria, mulino a sfere, mulino a cilindri, mulino a getto, mulino vibrante e mulino a impatto ecc. Il mulino classificatore ad aria include: MJW-W, MJW-L, MJW-A, MJL-W, E Mulino classificatore dell'aria da laboratorio.
– Classificatore: four series of air classifiers: HTS, ITC, MBS and CTC.
– Modifier: pin-mill modifier, turbo-mill modifier and three-roller modifier etc.
– Equipaggiamento ausiliario: armadio di controllo, collettore di polvere e elevatore a tazze ecc.
– Customers can also customize equipment according to their needs, one customer one design.
Se sei interessato al mulino classificatore ad aria o ad altri prodotti di Epica di Qingdao, Per favore contattare il personale direttamente, sono sempre al vostro servizio.
Below are photos of air classifier mills from Epica di Qingdao per vostra informazione.